This year’s #TAL19 will take place on Sunday 21 November

This year Bude’s annual #Tal19 – a multi- terrain 19km run – will take place on what would have been Talan Penny’s 24th birthday. Bude boy, Talan, died in 2017 from Rhabdomyosarcoma, a type of cancer that affects children and young people.

Talan was 19 when he died, and every November the Bude community comes together to remember him by running 19kilometeres (a km for every year of Talan’s life) and to raise valuable funds for research into Rhabdomyosarcoma.

Since Talan’s death, over £80,000 has been raised through Talan’s Trust (the charity set up in Talan’s memory) and this year the charity hopes that another £20,000 will be added to this fantastic total.

Sarah Penny, Talan’s mum, and CEO of Talan’s Trust said:
“Like all charities, the pandemic has affected our ability to raise funds through our usual programme of events, but we have been so wonderfully supported in all sorts of other ways – from the virtual #TAL19 last November, to so many fantastic individual and team fundraising activities throughout the year.

“We are so pleased to have been able to continue to support the groundbreaking research taking place at the Institute of Cancer Research which we hope can eventually lead to better and kinder treatments for Rhabdomyosarcoma patients.”

This year’s #TAL19 will take place on Sunday 21 November, starting at the Surf Life Saving Club in Bude. Runners can take part as individuals, or in teams, and there is also a 10km option for those not wanting to complete the 19km distance. People can also complete the 19kms in the week leading up to the event anywhere and in any way they choose – perhaps by walking a few kms a day.

There is also a junior race for children, also taking place on Sunday 21 November.

To enter visit and follow the link to the Eventbrite page.