#TAL19 Race Report 2022

From Talan’s friends many who flew/drove/caught the train home to all the lovely runners who came from far and wide some to repeat the torture others for the first time.

The day was quite simply a joy, you are a joy, all of you. Those who bake cakes, make soup, those who stand for two hours or more marshaling and encouraging the runners along, Jordan who led the warm up for the first time so magnificently.

The gorgeous Vicky and Steve Innes who not only bake for days but collate and organise the food. Helen Larwood who helps Vicky, cooking soup and baking cakes.

The brilliant Skip and super diligent scouts you all rock!

Ron Cann for keeping us both amused and informed with what’s happening on the race course.

Isabel Swan our super race starter who has had her own journey with cancer.

Talans Trust committee which has expanded this year and have been awesome in their efforts.

Emma, Denise, Nicola, Andre, Janet and Rollo Mcgrath and Janey Shepherd thankyou!

My boyfriend who copes with my random requests and retains his good humour!

The fabulous Ellis family, Mike, Rach, Dan and Ro you are all ace and made me laugh a lot!!

To Mike and especially Wayne at Sign ‘o Times who designed such fab new medals. ( hoped you all approve those who got lucky )

The fantastic samba band who one day I will get to listen to, who the runners love thankyou again!

Of course the lovely Sarah Miller for massaging exhausted legs…thank you so much!!

Last but not least The Surf Club, we so appreciate you sharing your space for the day …thankyou!!

I didn’t get the fun run top three names sadly and the following still need to grab their medals.

3rd girl and 2nd boy.

Please if any one knows them let me know!

Talan’s friends maybe growing up, getting jobs and girlfriends/boyfriends and a few babies, but they remain one of the nicest bunch of people I’m lucky enough to know. They are beyond close, have the best friendships and genuinely love each other and aren’t afraid to say it.

And that is, I believe Talan’s legacy. He’d be proud of that I know ❤

Here are the top results, the rest are on the website.



1st lizzie Lawson

2nd Esme Davies

3rd Julia Foster


1st Zack Davis

2nd Paul Cottle

3rd John Gatrell



1st Kathryn Beades

2nd Davina Brown

3rd Chloe Mcgrath and Georgia Higham


1st Morgan Craig

2nd Martin Colwill (3rd time)

3rd Sam Pantling